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Ahmet Caglayan

How TPM Works Effectively With A World Class CMMS System To Enable Organizational Change and Deliver Sustainable Results!



Ahmet Caglayan, Senior Consultant (bio)
From: April 21, 2020
Are you using your CMMS system effectively? In this 1-hour video, Ahmet focuses on answering this question by defining an effective CMMS system and outlining how it integrates with your organization’s systemic TPM implementation.
The power of the CMMS is not in the software program itself, but in how we utilize it and what we expect to achieve out of it. It’s the Change Management that we often overlook or underestimate.
In this presentation, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how to utilize your CMMS to improve your plant’s reliability and availability. Ahmet explores each person’s role and responsibility within the organization and shows why effective use of CMMS extends far beyond just your maintenance technicians.